Straight Up, Sis!
What’s up world, we are Masini McDermott and Tara Jackson, two sisters (not by blood but by choice!) who met in 2019 and have been inseparable ever since! Join us every week where we give our honest and humble *cough cough* opinions on everything, and we do mean EVERYthing. Past traumas? Check. Relationships and friendships? Check. Careers and goals? Check. You want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but? We got that for you, straight up!
Straight Up, Sis!
Dasssss It!
Masini McDermott & Tara Jackson
Season 2
Episode 10
OMG how are we at the end of season two already?!?! We thought a fun way to cap off the season would be with a game of random trivia! Play along with us and see how much random trivial shit you know LOL. Thanks again for chillin with us this season and we hope to catch you in the next one. Much love!
Lion King UK Cast Video: https://www.instagram.com/p/CRydgtaJ3P2/
Follow Straight Up, Sis!
Twitter: @straightupsis
Instagram: @straightupsispod
Logo design: Dora Tanasoiu
Music: Tara Jackson
Business Inquiries: straightupsis@gmail.com