Straight Up, Sis!
Straight Up, Sis!
Workin' On My Fitness!
Do y'all like to go ham in the gym or nah? It's so important to take care of your physical, mental, and spiritual health so this week, we're discussing health and fitness and how these things show up in our lives. There are so many ways to stay healthy and active so find some things you like to do and remember, it's all about balance!
Resources Mentioned:
Dr. Gisèle A. Tennant, PhD, AFLCA, CSEP-CEP
Abby Pollock, BASc, Pn1, CPT-CES, PES (in progress)
The Science of Metabolism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgBogEJJ6C4&t=97s
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Twitter: @straightupsis
Instagram: @straightupsispod
Logo design: Dora Tanasoiu
Music: Tara Jackson
Business Inquiries: straightupsis@gmail.com